for E. coli Competent
Cell Preparation
- Inoculate 5ml of L-broth with a single colony
of selected E. coli strain and incubate overnight
at 37oC. with moderate agitation(~250rpm)
- Inoculate 50ml of L-broth with ~100-300ml of the
overnight culture and incubate at 37oC.
with moderate agitiation(~250rpm) until the A595=0.375
( initial inoculum should have A595<0.1)
- Place culture on ice in autoclaved, prechilled
Corex tubes for 10 minutes
- Centrifuge cells 7 minutes at 2500rpm(+4oC)
and then resuspend pellet (very gently by hand-do
not vortex) in 10ml CaCl2 solution( 60mM
CaCl2, 15% glycerol, 10mM PIPES, pH 7.0)
- Centrifuge cells 5 minutes at 2500rpm(+4oC)
and then resuspend pellet (very gently by hand-do
not vortex) in 10ml CaCl2 solution
- Leave cells on ice for 30 minutes and then centrifuge
for 5 minutes at 2500rpm(+4oC) and resuspend
cells (very gently by hand-do not vortex)in 2ml
CaCl2 solution
- Aliquot final preparation in 100ml aliquots on
dry ice and store at -70oC. (cells should
be viable for up to a year at -70oC)
L-broth: 1% bactotryptone, 1% NaCl,
0.5% yeast extract