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HOME > Protocols > Bacterial Species > Salmonella bongori
Salmonella bongori
BioHazard Level:

Growth Temperature:

Appropriate growth media:
trytpicase soy agar, trypticase soy broth

Gram Stain:
Salmonella bongori is Gram stain negative

Salmonella bongori is aerobic

Salmonella bongori is motile

Taxonomic lineage:
Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria; Enterobacteriales; Enterobacteriaceae; Salmonella

Industrial uses or economic implications:
None known

Salmonella bongori was classically thought of as a Salmonella of lizards, howevere it is now known to infect a variety of animals.

Human health and disease:
Salmonella bongori is a BSL2 organism and should be considered a potential human pathogen.
Disclaimer: This information is presented as is. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, please check current reference material prior to growth or handling of microorganisms.

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