M9 Minimal
Media Recipe (1000 ml)
Make M9 salts
To make M9 Salts aliquot 800ml H2O
and add
- 64g Na2HPO4-7H2O
- 15g KH2PO4
- 2.5g NaCl
- 5.0g NH4Cl
- Stir until dissolved
- Adjust to 1000ml with distilled H2O
- Sterilize by autoclaving
Measure ~700ml of distilled H2O
- Add 200ml of M9 salts
- Add 2ml of 1M MgSO4 (sterile)
- Add 20 ml of 20% glucose (or other carbon source)
- Add 100ul of 1M CaCl2 (sterile)
- Adjust to 1000ml with distilled H2O