Agar Recipe
- Dissolve the following in 850ml of distilled water
- 24g NaCl
- 11g MgCl2-6H2O
- 4g Na2SO4
- 2g CaCl2-6H2O
- 0.7g KCl
- 0.1g KBr
- 0.03g H3BO3
- 0.005g NaSiO3-9H2O
- 0.04g SrCl2-6H2O
- 0.003g NaF
- 0.002g NH4NO3
- 0.001g Fe3PO4-4H2O
- 5g Bacto peptone
- 1g Bacto yeast extract
- 15g Agar
- Adjust pH to 7.8
- Bring to 1000ml with distilled water
- Autoclave or filter sterilize
Related links: Marine Broth