reagent for glucose determination
- Dissolve 100g of K2CO3 in
700ml of H2O at 30oC
- Dissolve 66g of KCl in the solution from step 1
- Dissolve 160g KHCO3 in the solution from
step 2. Please note that the sequence these are added
is important
- Add 4.4g CuSO4 to the solution from step
- q.s. to 1 liter after CO2 release
- After 24 hours, 300ml are diluted to 1 liter using
saturated KCl and the resulting solution used after
24 hours. 50ml is equivalent to 10mg glucose
Caution: This solution should always be shaken in a
manner to not allow entry of air. This is especially
critical after the addition of the CuSO4
Related reagents: Benedict's