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HOME > Protocols > Reference Material > Commonly Used Abbreviations in Life Science Research
Commonly Used Abbreviations in Life Science Research

3Hyp - Code for the uncommon amino acid 3-hydroxyproline.
- Code for the uncommon amino acid 4-hydroxyproline.
- 4% formaldehyde and 1% gluteraldehyde.
- 5-Fluoroacetic acid.

A - (1) Adenine or adenosine; (2) One letter code for the amino acid alanine.
A260 - Absorbance as measured at 260nm.
aa - aminoacyl
- Three letter code for the uncommon amino acid 3-aminoadipic acid.
Abu - Three letter code for the uncommon amino acid 2-aminobutyric acid.
ac - Acetyl.
Ac - Symbol for the element actinium.
ACD - blood anticoagulant
ADP - Adenosine 5'-diphosphate.
Ade - Three letter code for adenine.
Ado - Three letter code for adenosine.
Ag - Symbol for the element silver.
aHyl - Code for the uncommon amino acid allo-hydroxylysine.
aIle - Code for the uncommon amino acid allo-isoleucine.
Al - Symbol for the element aluminum.
Ala - Three letter code for the amino acid alanine.
Am - Symbol for the element americium.
AMP - Adenosine monophosphate.
an - Anisoyl.
- Alkaline phosphatase.
Apm - Three letter code for the uncommon amino acid 3-aminopimelic acid.
Ar - Symbol for the element argon.
Arg - Three letter code for the amino acid arginine.
As - Symbol for the element arsenic.
Asn - Three letter code for the amino acid asparagine.
Asp - Three letter code for the amino acid aspartic acid.
At - Symbol for the element astatine.
ATP - Adenosine 5'-triphosphate.
Au - Symbol for the element gold.

B - (1) Symbol for the element boron; (2) One letter code for bromouridine.
Ba - Symbol for the element barium.
BAP - Bacterial alkaline phosphatase.
BCIP - 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indoyl phosphate.
Be - Symbol for the element beryllium.
bh - Benzhydryl.
Bh - Symbol for the element bohrium.
Bi - Symbol for the element bismuth.
Bio-dNTP - Biotin-deoxynucleoside triphosphate.
Bk - Symbol for the element berkelium.
bp - Nucleotide base pair.
br - Bromo.
Br - Symbol for the element bromine.
BrUrd - Abbreviation for bromouridine.
BSA - Bovine serum albumin.
B/W - Blue/White cloning.
bz - Benzoyl.
bzl - Benzyl.

C - (1) Cytosine or cytidine; (2) One letter code for the amino acid cysteine; (3) Symbol for the element carbon; (4) One letter code for the amino acid cysteine.
Ca - Symbol for the element calcium.
CA - Casamino acids.
Cd - Symbol for the element cadmium.
cDNA - Complementary deoxyribonucleic acid
Ce - Symbol for the element cerium.
Cf - Symbol for the element californium.
Ci - Curie
CIAP - Calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase.
cl - Chloro.
Cl - Symbol for the element chlorine.
Cm - Symbol for the element curium.
Co - Symbol for the element cobalt.
cpm - Counts per minute.
Cr - Symbol for the element chromium.
Cs - Symbol for the element cesium.
CTP - Cytidine 5'-triphosphate.
Cu - Symbol for the element copper.
Cyd - Three letter code for Cytidine
Cys - Three letter code for the amino acid cysteine.
Cyt - Three letter code for cytosine.

D - (1) One letter code for the amino acid aspartic acid; (2) One letter code for dihydrouridine.
Da - Dalton.
dAMP - Deoxyadenosine monophosphate.
dATP - Deoxyadenosine triphosphate.
Db - Symbol for the element dubnium (formerly unnipentium).
Dbu - Three letter code for the uncommon amino acid 2,4-diaminobutyric acid.
dCTP - Deoxycytidine triphosphate.
ddATP - Dideoxyadenosine triphosphate.
ddCTP - Dideoxycytidine triphosphate.
ddGTP - Dideoxyguanosine triphosphate.
ddNTP - Dideoxynucleoside triphosphate.
DEPC - Diethyl pyrocarbonate.
DIG - Digoxigenin.
dGTP - Deoxyguanosine triphosphate.
DMSO - Dimethyl sulfoxide.
dmt - Dimethoxytrityl.
DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid.
DNase - Deoxyribonuclease.
dns - Dansyl.
dNTP - Deoxynucleoside triphosphate.
dpm - Disintegrations per minute.
Dpm - Three letter code for the uncommon amino acid 2,2'-diaminopimelic acid.
Dpr - Three letter code for the uncommon amino acid 2,3-diaminopropionic acid.
ds - Double stranded.
DTT - Dithiothreitol
dTTP - Deoxythymidine triphosphate.
dUTP - Deoxyuridine triphosphate.
Dy - Symbol for the element dysprosium.

E - (1) One letter code for the amino acid glutamic acid; (2) abbreviation for ethyl.
EDTA - Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid.
EGTA - Ethylene glycol tetracetic acid.
ELISA - Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.
EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory
ENDO - Endodeoxyribonuclease assay.
Er - Symbol for the element erbium.
Es - Symbol for the element einsteinium.
Eu - Symbol for the element europium.
exo - Exonuclease.
EXO - 5' and 3' exodeoxyribonuclease assay.

F - (1) Symbol for the element fluorine; (2) One letter symbol for the amino acid phenylalanine (3) formyl.
fa - Formylaminoacyl.
Fe - Symbol for the element iron.
fl - Fluoro.
Fm - Symbol for the element fermium.
FOA - 5-Fluoroacetic acid.
Fr - Symbol for the element francium.

G - (1) Guanine or Guanosine; (2) One letter code for the amino acid glycine.
Ga - Symbol for the element gallium.
Gal - D-galactose.
Gd - Symbol for the element gadolinium.
Ge - Symbol for the element germanium.
Gln - Three letter code for the amino acid glutamine.
Glu - Three letter code for the amino acid glutamic acid.
Gly - Three letter code for the amino acid glycine.
GTGB - Glycerol tolerant gel buffer.
Gua - Three letter code for guanine.
Guo - Three letter code for guanosine.
GUS - Beta-D-glucuronidase.

H - (1) Symbol for the element hydrogen; (2) One letter code for the amino acid histidine; (3) dihydro.
HBSS - Hank's Buffered Salt Solution.
He - Symbol for the element helium.
HEPES - N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N'-(2-ethanesulfonic acid).
Hf - Symbol for the element hafnium.
Hg - Symbol for the element mercury.
His - Three letter code for the amino acid histidine.
hm - Hydroxymethyl.
ho - Hydroxy.
Ho - Symbol for the element holmium.
HRP - Horseradish peroxidase.
HPLC - High performance liquid chromatography.
Hs - Symbol for the element hassium.
hU - Symbol for dihydrouridine.
Hyl - Three letter code for the uncommon amino acid hydroxylysine.
Hyp - Three letter code for hypoxanthine.

- (1) Symbol for the element iodine; (2) One letter code for the amino acid isoleucine; (3) One letter code for inosine; (4) Isopentenyl.
- Isoelectric focusing.
Ile - Three letter code for the amino acid isoleucine.
In - Symbol for the element indium.
Ino - Three letter code for inosine.
io - Iodo.
IPTG - Isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside.
Ir - Symbol for the element iridium.

K - (1) Symbol for the element potassium; (2) One letter code for the amino acid lysine.
kb - Kilobase.
kDa - KiloDalton.
Kr - Symbol for the element krypton.

L - One letter code for the amino acid leucine.
La - Symbol for the element lanthanum.
LB - Luria Bertani media.
Leu - Three letter code for the amino acid leucine.
Li - Symbol for the element lithium.
Lr - Symbol for the element lawrencium.
Lu - Symbol for the element lutetium.
Lys - Three letter code for the amino acid lysine.

M - (1) One letter code for the amino acid methionine; (2) One letter code for thioinosine; (3) Methyl.
MCS - Multiple cloning site.
Md - Symbol for the element mendelevium.
MeGly - Code for the uncommon amino acid N-methylglycine.
Met - Three letter code for the amino acid methionine.
Mg - Symbol for the element magnesium.
MMLV - Moloney murine leukemia virus.
mmt - Monomethoxytrityl.
Mn - Symbol for the element manganese.
Mo - Symbol for the element molybdenum.
MOPS - 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid.
mRNA - Messenger ribonucleic acid.
Mt - Symbol for the element meitnerium.
MW - Molecular weight.

N - (1) Nucleotide or nucleoside; (2) Symbol for the element nitrogen; (3) One letter code for the amino acid asparagine.
Na - Symbol for the element sodium.
NAD - Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.
NADH - Reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.
NADP - Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.
NADPH - Reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phophate.
Nb - Symbol for the element niobium.
- Nitro blue tetrazolium.
Nd - Symbol for the element neodymium.
Ne - Symbol for the element neon.
Ni - Symbol for the element nickel.
Nle - Three letter code for the uncommon amino acid norisoleucine.
No - Symbol for the element nobelium.
Np - Symbol for the element neptunium.
NP-40 - Nonidet P-40.
nt - Nucleotide.
NTP - Nucleoside triphosphate.
Nuc - Three letter code for nucleotide or nucleoside.
Nva - Three letter code for the uncommon amino acid norvaline.
NZCYM - NZ amine, NaCl, bacto-yeast extract, casamino acids, and magnesium sulfate.
NZM - NZ amine, NaCl, and magnesium sulfate.
NZYM - NZ amine, NaCl, bacto-yeast extract, and magnesium sulfate.

- (1) Symbol for the element oxygen; (2) One letter code for orotidine.
- Hydroxy.
- Oligodeoxythymidylic acid.
OMP - Orotidine monophosphate.
Ord - Three letter code for orotidine.
Orn - Three letter code for the uncommon amino acid ornithine.
Oro - Three letter code for orotate.
Os - Symbol for the element osmium.

P - (1) Symbol for the element phosphorus; (2) One letter code for the amino acid proline.
Pa - Symbol for the element protoactinium.
Pb - Symbol for the element lead.
PBMC - Peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Pd - Symbol for the element palladium.
PAGE - Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
PBS - Phosphate buffered saline.
PCR - Polymerase chain reaction.
PEI - Polyethylenimine.
PEG - Polyethylene glycol.
Phe - Three letter code for the amino acid phenylalanine
Pi - Inorganic phosphate.
PIPES - Piperazine-N,N'-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid).
Pm - Symbol for the element promethium.
Po - Symbol for the element polonium.
Pr - Symbol for the element praseodymium.
Pro - Three letter symbol for the amino acid proline.
Pt - Symbol for the element platinum.
PNK - Polynucleotide kinase.
poly(A) - Polyadenylic acid.
poly(A)+ - Polyadenylated (mRNA).
poly(dA-dT) - Poly (deoxyadenlic acid - deoxythymidylic acid).
poly(dT) - Polydeoxythymidylic acid.
Pu - Symbol for the element plutonium.
Puo - Thee letter code for purine nucleoside.
Pur - Three letter code for purine.
Pyd - Thee letter code for pyrimidine nucleoside.
Pyr - Three letter code for pyrimidine.

Q - One letter code for the amino acid glutamine.

R - (1) One letter code for the amino acid arginine; (2) One letter code for a purine nucleoside or nucleotide.
Ra - Symbol for the element radium.
RBC - Red blood cell.
Rb - Symbol for the element rubidium.
Re - Symbol for the element rhenium.
Rf - Symbol for the element rutherfordium (formerly unniquadium).
Rh - Symbol for the element rhodium.
Rn - Symbol for the element radon.
RNA - Ribonucleic acid.
RNAse - Ribonuclease.
rRNA - Ribosomal ribonucleic acid.
RT - Reverse transcriptase.
Ru - Symbol for the element ruthenium.

S - (1) Symbol for the element sulfur; (2) One letter code for the amino acid serine; (3) One letter code for thiouridine; (4) Thio or Mercapto.
Sar - Three letter code for the uncommon amino acid sarcosine.
Sb - Symbol for the element antimony.
Sc - Symbol for the element scandium.
SDS - Sodium dodecyl sulfate.
Se - Symbol for the element selenium.
Ser - Three letter code for the amino acid serine.
Sg - Symbol for the element seaborgium.
Shyp - Abbreviation for mercaptopurine.
Si - Symbol for the element silicon.
SIno - Abbreviation for for thioinosine.
Sm - Symbol for the element samarium.
Sn - Symbol for the element tin.
Sno - Three letter code for thioinosine.
Sr - Symbol for the element strontium.
Srd - Three letter code for thiouridine.
ss - Single stranded.
SSC - Sodium chloride/sodium citrate buffer.
SSPE - Sodium chloride/sodium phosphate/EDTA buffer.
SU - Two letter code for thiouridine.
Sur - Three letter code for thiouracil.
SUra - Abbreviation for thiouracil.
Syp - Three letter code for mercaptopurine.

T - (1) Thymine or thymidine; (2) One letter code for the amino acid threonine; (3) One letter code for ribothymidine.
Ta - Symbol for the element tantalum.
TAE - Tris/acetate/EDTA buffer.
Tb - Symbol for the element terbium.
TBE - Tris/borate/EDTA buffer.
TBS (1X) - Tris buffered saline.
TBST - Tris buffered saline with tween-20.
Tc - Symbol for the element technietium.
TdT - Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase.
Te - Symbol for the element tellurium.
TE - Tris/EDTA buffer.
TEMED - N',N',N',N'-Tetramethylethylenediamine.
TES - (1) N-Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid; (2) Tris, EDTA, and sodium chloride.
TGB - Tris glycine buffer.
Th - Symbol for the element thorium.
Thd - Three letter code for ribothymidine.
thp - Tetrahydropyranyl.
Thr - Three letter code for the amino acid threonine.
Thy - Three letter code for thymine.
Tl - Symbol for the element thalium.
Ti - Symbol for the element titanium.
TLC - Thin layer chromotography.
Tm - Melting temperature.
Tm - Symbol for the element thulium.
TMB - 3,3',5,5'-Tetramethylbenzidine.
TNE - Tris and NaEDTA.
tos - Tosyl.
TPE - Tris/phosphate/EDTA buffer.
- Trityl.
- N-Tris(hydroxymethyl)methylglycine.
Tris - Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane.
Trp - Three letter code for the amino acid tryptophan.
tRNA - Transfer ribonucleic acid.
TSY - Trypticase soy yeast.
Tyr - Three letter code for the amino acid tyrosine.

U - (1) Uracil or uridine; (2) Symbol for the element uranium.
Ura - Three letter code for uracil.
Urd - Three letter code for uridine.
UTP - Uridine triphosphate.
Uub - Symbol for the element ununbium.
Uun - Symbol for the element ununnilium.
Uuu - Symbol for the element unununium.
UV - Ultraviolet.

- (1) Symbol for the element vanadium; (2) One letter code for the amino acid valine.
- Three letter code for the amino acid valine.
- volume/volume

W - (1) Symbol for the element tungsten; (2) One letter code for the amino acid tryptophan.
w/v - weight/volume

X - One letter code for unkown or other uncommon amino acid.
X-Gal - 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside.
X-Gluc - 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoyl-beta-D-glucuronic acid.
Xan - Three letter code for xanthine.
Xe - Symbol for the element xenon.

Y - (1) Symbol for the element yttrium; (2) One letter code for the amino acid tyrosine; (3) One letter code for a pyrimidine nucleoside or nucleotide.
Yb - Symbol for the element ytterbium.
YMG - Yeast and malt extract with glucose.
YPD Media - Yeast extract/peptone/dextrose.
YPG Media - Yeast extract/peptone/galactose.
YT Media - Yeast extract/tryptone.

Zn - Symbol for the element zinc.
Zr - Symbol for the element zirconium.

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